Port of Dundee’s new road salt hub to keep Scotland moving during winter season
Wednesday 11th January 2023
Port of Dundee’s new road salt hub to keep Scotland moving during winter season

The Port of Dundee’s new road salt import and distribution hub is handling 70,000 tonnes of road salt this year for distribution to Scotland’s regional depots via Scotland’s east coast ports.
Forth Ports has imported millions of tonnes of road salt through the Ports of Leith and Rosyth over the past number of years and this new expansion at the Port of Dundee can accommodate and discharge the large, deep sea bulk transport vessels. The road salt is then loaded onto coastal ships for onward transport to Scotland’s smaller regional harbours and The Port of Aberdeen.
The MV Tina C vessel is a coastal ship which has been being loaded with over 5,000 tonnes of road salt in Dundee for delivery to Aberdeen where councils can then collect the road salt locally.
Road salt is a critical part of Scotland’s councils’ efforts to keep the roads safe throughout the winter period. Thousands of tonnes of road salt, provided by Transport Scotland, are used across the country to keep people and businesses moving when temperatures dip below freezing.
Having salt delivered in bulk to a central location for onward coastal shipping to local ports is a more environmentally friendly move as it significantly reduces the truck road miles and carbon emissions. The shipping of 5,000 tonnes of salt by sea removes approximately 180 vehicles from the road and eliminates 11,000 truck miles on a typical Dundee to Aberdeen route.
Commenting on the project, Kenny Williamson, Senior Sales and Commercial Manager for Forth Ports, said: “The Port of Dundee’s strategic geographical location is perfect for making it the distribution hub for this coastal shipping road salt project. The port can accommodate large bulk vessels (Handymax) with thousands of tonnes of salt and our logistics team manage the discharge, storage and coastal shuttle delivery service by ship to other ports as required. We are delivering to the smaller regional ports and the Port of Aberdeen by ship, which is significantly reducing road truck miles.”
Shipments of road salt will be made this month to Scotland’s coastal ports to ensure that local council supplies are replenished.
11 January 2023 – ends –