Tilbury on the Thames Trust and partners awarded £1million funding for community-led cultural programme for Thurrock
Thursday 2nd December 2021
Tilbury on the Thames Trust and partners awarded £1million funding for community-led cultural programme for Thurrock

The Tilbury on the Thames Trust, supported by The Port of Tilbury, in partnership with Thurrock CVS, The Royal Opera House, Thurrock Lifestyle Solutions CIC and Thurrock Council have successfully secured a massive £1million on behalf of Thurrock as part of the Arts Council England’s Creative People and Places National Portfolio 2022-25 programme.
The partners will be the custodians of the £1million funding and over the next three years will support local people in Thurrock to kickstart exciting arts and culture programmes across the borough.
The application was a team effort and this success is due to the commitment and hard work shown by the partners and all stakeholders who have engaged with the development of the proposal since 2018. The planning for the three-year programme, which will draw on the local area’s rich, diverse culture, will begin in April 2022 with the first activities expected to be delivered in Autumn next year.
As part of this planning, the partners will be looking for residents passionate about arts and culture to become ‘Kickstarters’, developing ideas and making decisions on creative projects that bring Thurrock to life. Watch this space!
Creative activities could include outdoor arts; dance, theatre and music; a celebration of people; riverside heritage; industry and international connections. These will happen across Thurrock landmarks, landscape and localities.
The Thurrock Creative People and Places Consortium said: “We are thrilled that this funding has been secured for Thurrock creating opportunities for all. Thurrock has an engaged creative and cultural sector and we are all looking forward to working with them to get local people taking part in brilliant art experiences in the places where they live.”
2 December 2021 -ends-